Dynamic study and control of microgrid clusters (ConMicroclus)
(Ref. PID2021-123633OB-C32)
Subproject of the University of Cadiz (SPUCA) supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, FEDER, UE (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE)
Call for Knowledge Generation Projects (2021). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Duration: 3 years (2022-2025)
Objective of the Subproject (SPUCA)
The subproject will address the dynamic study and control of microgrid clusters (MGCs).
The specific objectives and main contributions of this subproject are:
1. Dynamic study of multi-energy MGCs with AC microgrids (MGs), DC MGs and/or hybrid MGs (combining AC and DC MGs), integrating renewable energy technologies, energy storage systems, electric vehicles and green hydrogen in applications like buildings, charging stations, etc. in smart cities.
2. Development of new dynamic equivalent models of AC MGs, DC MGs, and/or hybrid MGs in MGCs, which allow to simulate the dynamic behaviour and to design the whole control system for the MGs and the MGC.
3. Development, evaluation and experimental validation of new control methods and controllers for the primary control, secondary control and tertiary control of MGCs with AC MGs, DC MGs and/or hybrid MGs, in order to achieve an efficient, coordinated, reliable and resilient operation of MGC under different operating conditions, such as grid-connected and isolated operation, changes in the generation/consumption of the MGs and/or in the electricity market, communications failure/delays, among others.
Subproject team (SPUCA)
Prof. Dr. Luis M. Fernández Ramírez: Associate Professor, Research Group in Sustainable and Renewable Electrical Technologies (RG-SURET), Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE), UCA.
Prof. Dr. Carlos Andrés García Vázquez: Associate Professor, RG-SURET, DEE, UCA.
Prof. Dr. Francisco Llorens Iborra: Associate Professor, RG-SURET, DEE, UCA.
Prof. Dr. Pablo García Triviño: Associate Professor, RG-SURET, DEE, UCA.
Prof. Dr. Higinio Sánchez Sainz: Associate Professor, RG-SURET, DEE, UCA.
Prof. Dr. Raúl Sarrias Mena: Assistant Professor, RG-SURET, Dept. of Engineering in Automation, Electronics, Architecture and Computer Networks, UCA.
- Researchers participating in the work plan:
Prof. Dr. Carlos E. Ugalde Loo: Professor, Deputy Director of the Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply (CIREGS), University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.
Prof. Dr. Sandro Jucá: Associate Professor, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE), Campus Maracanaú, Maracanaú, Brasil.
Prof. Dr. Emanuel Philipe Pereira Soares Ramos (ER): Associate Professor, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, CEFET/MG, Curvelo, MG, Brasil.
Dr. Laís de Oliveira Assís: Researcher, RG-SURET, DEE, UCA.
Mr. Pablo Horrillo Quintero: Researcher Assistant, RG-SURET, DEE, UCA.