MicroClus Project (SPUPC)
Stability of microgrids formed by grouping of clusters (StrMicroClus)(Ref. PID2021-123633OB-C33) |
Subproject of the University Polythecnic of Catalonia (SPUPC) supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, FEDER, UE (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE)
Call for Knowledge Generation Projects (2021). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Duration: 3 years (2022-2025)
Objective of the Subproject
The main objective of this subproject is to study stability of microgrids formed by grouping of clusters. The specific objectives are:1.Study and modelling of microgrid components and clusters, in particular the power electronic components and their control, in order to asses stability.
2.Stability study of microgrid clusters by means of steady state load PF techniques and state-space and frequency domain approaches.
3.Study of the main components of microgids which may affect stability with the aim of predicting instabilities and propose solutions.
4.Experimental validation of the stability studies veryfing the instability predictions and the effectiviness of the proposed solutions.
Subproject team
- Principal investigator:
- Research team members:
- Researchers participating in the work plan: