Stability in multi-energy microgrids with electricity, hydrogen and gas vectors (StMicroME-EleH2Gas)
(Ref. TED2021-129631B-C33)
Subproject of the University Polythecnic of Catalonia (SPUPC) supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033) and European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR (Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia)
Call for Strategic Projects Oriented to the Ecological Transition and the Digital Transition (2021). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Duration: 2 years (2022-2024)
Objective of the Subproject (SPUPC)
The main objective of this subproject is to study stability of multi-energy microgrids (MEMGs) due to the integration of renewable energy technologies (RETs), electrical energy storage systems (ESSs) and energy vectors such as electricity, hydrogen and gas.
The specific objectives and main contributions of this subproject are:
1. Model of the MEMG components (i.e., the network used to transport and distribute the energy vectors, the energy conversion units and the RETs and the ESSs) for stability assessment. Development and experimetal validation of new models of the MEMG components to analyze stability.
2. Development, evaluation and experimental validation of relevant tools to assess stability. Study of the steady state and dynamic instability phenomena in MEMGs by means of steady state load PF techniques, state-space analysis and frequency domain methods.
3. Study of the influence of the main MEMG components on stability in order to predict instabilities and propose solutions to mitigate the stability issue. Analysis of the dynamic interactions between RETs, ESSs and energy vectors.
Subproject team (SPUPC)
Prof. Luis Sainz Sapera: Professor, Research Group in Power Quality (RG-QSE), Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE), University Polytechnic of Cataluña (UPC)
Prof. Santiago Bogarra Rodríguez: Associate Professor, RG-QSE, DEE, UPC.
Prof. Felipe Córcoles López: Associate Professor, RG-QSE, DEE, UPC.
Prof. Joaquín Pedra Durán: Professor, RG-QSE, DEE, UPC.
Prof. Juan José Mesas García: Tenured Assistant Professor, RG-QSE, DEE, UPC.
Prof. Jaume Saura Perisè: Assistant, RG-QSE, DEE, UPC.
Prof. Alejandro Rolán Blanco: Tenured Assistant Professor, SAC, DESAII, UPC .
- Researchers participating in the work plan:
Prof. Jun Liang: Professor, research group on Power Electronics and HVDC of the Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply (CIREGS) of the Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom.