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TEP023 Tecnologías Eléctricas Sostenibles y Renovables

Researchers from our group participate in ELECTRIMACS 2024 and present advances on Microgrid Clusters and Multi-Energy Microgrids

Researchers from our group participate in ELECTRIMACS 2024 and present advances on Microgrid Clusters and Multi-Energy Microgrids

Castellón de la Plana, May 27-30, 2024


👨‍🎓 👩‍🎓 Last week researchers from our group participated in ELECTRIMACS 2024, the 15th edition of the ‘International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Machines, Converters and Systems’, held at the Jaume I University, in Castellón de la Plana. Our researchers were part of a special session about the challenges present in microgrids, a current topic that attracts the attention of the best researchers in the world.


The articles ‘Control of an Hybrid AC/DC MG Using Raspberry Pi’, ‘Real-time validation of a multi-energy microgrid with dynamic energy management system’ and ‘Control of hybrid renewable energy and storage-integrated multienergy microgrid with electric and gas boiler, electric vehicle, and household loads’ were presented in the conference.


In ‘Real-time validation of a multi-energy microgrid with dynamic energy management system’, the real-time validation of a multi-energy microgrid with electricity and heat vectors is proposed through a Hardware In the Loop experimental platform based on the OPALRT-4512 unit and the dSPACE MicroLabBox control unit.


‘Control of hybrid renewable energy and storage-integrated multienergy microgrid with electric and gas boiler, electric vehicle, and household loads’ offers a fuzzy logic based control system to establish the optimal operation in a multienergy microgrid taking into account the influence of electric vehicles.


‘Control of an Hybrid AC/DC MG Using Raspberry Pi’ proposes the real-time validation of centralised power management in a hybrid AC/DC microgrid, with various energy storage systems, renewable generation and electrical loads, using the low-cost Raspberry Pi microcomputer and an OPAL-RT 4512 unit.


The articles ‘Real-time validation of a multi-energy microgrid with dynamic energy management system’ and ‘Control of hybrid renewable energy and storage-integrated multienergy microgrid with electric and gas boiler, electric vehicle, and household loads’ are included as part of the national project ‘Coordinated control of multi-energy microgrids with electricity, hydrogen and gas vectors’ – CoMicroME-EleH2Gas (Ref. TED2021-129631B-C32). These publications are part of the project TED2021-129631B-C32, funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER/EU.

The article ‘Control of an Hybrid AC/DC MG Using Raspberry Pi’, is included in the national project ‘Dynamic study and control of microgrid clusters’ – ConMicroClus (Ref. PID2021-123633OB-C32). This publication is part of the project PID2021-123633OB-C32 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union Next GenerationEU/PRTR.

Thanks to the Jaume I University and Fundación Universitat Jaume I for their fantastic programming, to the invited researchers for their kindness in sharing their knowledge on the subject and to all the participants for their great work.

We hope to see you all again soon!!!